Saturday, February 18, 2006

Wishes for Sharron was devoted to knitting a chemo cap for Sharron, who is a very warm and inspiring woman with whom I am privileged to work. I knit and frogged a version last weekend in the merino superwash...I didn't like the gauge, nor the feel. I found this week a different recommendation for Rowan Calmer, 75% cotton, 25% acrylic microfiber; and the feel of this cap is just very nice. Red, of course, is for courage...purple, for peace. Please send Sharron your warmest, healing thoughts. This would have been her first week of her chemo treatments. She survived ovarian cancer a number of years ago; and now is having to battle cancer again. As cruel as life can be, her daughter, I understand, is also currently battling breast cancer. My thoughts are with both of them. Tomorrow, I will tackle the purple cap, then back to the FLAK piece to complete the front. Please keep Sharron and her daughter in your thoughts and prayers.......

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