Monday, February 20, 2006

How do YOU spell Bad??

In our house, it's spelled Ethel....or Ethel Mae. This is what the room looked like when she was finished gathering her toys and everyone else's socks....and the huge pile of ice cubes that I extracted from the ice maker so that it would extrude ice for us. Why did I think that putting them in her bowl was a good idea???

But Ethel *did* help out shown by her very patiently (!) helping to model the finished chemo caps for Sharron........Look how lovely Ethel looks in purple......

..and in red....

...and with her seeming limitless shots....mid-blink shots...and
uninvited white spots in front of her eyes, she eventually gave me this..and nothing more......wouldn't even turn her head....

But even Ethel Mae can't hold a grudge for very long. Within moments, she gave me one of these....And I know that if there is ever a position open again for a sweet young knitwear model, she'll volunteer readily with a wag and a sloppy kiss.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Aww, Ethel Mae models! And she and Winslow should get together and compare chew up the house stories. Remember the time Winslow burst a feather pillow, ate a bag of Tostitos, a package of pitas, and played fling-'em-till-they-rip-and-little-blue
-pellets-go-everywhere with Eli's juggling balls while we were out ... Dogs, you gotta love 'em.