Thursday, February 16, 2006

Non-progress on the Christmas poncho

So, here's where I've gone with the Christmas Poncho. I was feeling a bit guilty about it until the Valentine's Day dance, when the charming Miss M. came downstairs in an old, mis-fitting t-shirt and a nice denim skirt. I asked 'why not wear that nice cabled sweater I made you?'.....and not only could she not FIND it, but when she finally pulled it out of some pile, she , in a hurry to get out of the house with her girlfriend, had put it on INSIDE OUT and hadn't even noticed that all those lovely cables weren't even showing. there went any guilt at not having spent the time to make sure that she gets her poncho right away.

I've been flakking and re-flakking....and notice the excess yarn swimming around today's picture!!! I just can't get the idea of frogging down to correct a braid 4 rows back. I made an error on previous swatches, and am flummoxed by the idea that when I make a mistake with a cable or braid, I match the mistake in the repeat of the same pattern in the same row. It must look right to me at the time at each cable......mysterious stuff.

But I'm almost done with the back.....I was closer to being almost done with the back last night before the frogging...but that's ok.

I've also been working...after some frogging as well.....on the Nordic piece for my niece....the niece piece...which is quickly approaching the start of the patterning at the top of the 'tube'. I've not given much thought to the impending steeking and inlayed panel processes....I think I'll just think about it when I get there, lest I scare myself out of doing it at all.

And I started and frogged a chemo cap last weekend. Red, for courage, and Lana Grosso merino 2000, which *is* very soft. I'm not convinced, however, that it's soft *enough*. I hate using synthetics; although synthetics have been recommended for their softness. I HAVE Sadie downstairs,....with plenty of wool, which I might want to dye and spin up. I then have to wonder whether it would be too hot.....unless, of course, it starts to act like winter again.

We *loved* the snow that this past weekend brought; but yesterday was acting like spring again. It's just a bit unsettling....makes me dread what this summer might the event that it's hot as blazes. If it turns out to be mild, then that would be ok. But hot weather puts me in one foul mood.....NOT a pretty sight.

Anyway...that's it for today. It was my goal to get this posted and figure out the joining of the FLAK ring. I copy and pasted the ring button, then thought I had taken it out, since I wasn't seeing I see that it's back again. Either there is a button faery helping out with this mission, or I have no it's gone again. ...yep...she's clueless.

So now, we have to wonder, WHAT'S UP with those crazy Lake Erie girls????? Hmmmm....I think Kate's probably busy hemming-no-KNITTING her lovely wedding gown...while Sal must be up to her ears in.....hmmmmm maybe chicken*^&t. That's ok. I know they're going to surprise us with some news any old day now......

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